Saturday, November 14, 2009

Accepting The Expected

Over the years, we learn to not touch hot stoves, not to go in the deep end and to stay in shallow water, but how is it we still end up in deep shit??

Sometimes our intuitions gives us hints of troubles to come and bumps in the road. However, this thing we call "love" basically haults and henders that sense, sadly.

After our first loves and first heartbreaks, we tend to instinctively put up a defensive guard, sheilding our hearts because we know what it is like to be hurt. That guard then turns into a sense of knowing, because something at some point seems familiar.

In my situation, I know there is a possibility that a certain someone may not come my way in the crossroads of his ex-factor and I. It's not fair to my heart to be broken, with fair warning...BUT at the same time life and love are about taking chances.

How will I, or any of us for that matter, ever know unless we take risks?!

I dont believe its FAIR to my conscious to NOT take chances in general.

I dont want to ever have to wonder "what would have happened if..." about ANYTHING in life... im a-ok knowing i tried and knew when to let go.

Somethings make us females just want to walk away..but when we do.. we're like holograms..

gone but not really..

Maybe the tougher things can work out, but you just have to be prepared to ACCEPT THE EXPECTED...

if not...that too shall pass..

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