Tuesday, December 8, 2009



OK so I haven't written in 2 weeks or so, I had a drought. I don't know how I managed to not do my daily venting with so much on my brain. I think that I worry about the future too much. I'm not sure if that is a bad thing though. It's weird because I usually just live for the moment but I want so much more for myself I can't help but ponder how I'm going to get there! you know..

They say "failing to plan, is planning to fail.." (one of those old men on the dollar bill) BUT life never goes according to what we "plan" so I've been careless most of my life, well not so much care less but worry-free. Now that I'm getting older and needing to be closer to my dreams, I've come to the conclusion that I must plan SOMETHING so that I'm not like a string of hay in the wind.. carefree but liable to end up anywhere.

But no seriously, sorry to put you all in a position to vent to you..as Drake said, but I need to get on track asap. I know for a fact I'm going to live up to my successes, it's just a matter of getting there, and I've always said that. Not noticing that meant I need to devise a plan of some sort.

So while in the bath tub listening to Lykee Li, I came up with my "life plan".. this will be my resolution, for the new year, to stick to that. Believe me, Thursday, on my day off I am surely putting it on cardboard and in living color as if its an extra credit project for a class I'm failing and tacking it to my wall so I can not push it to the back of my mind or get endlessly side tracked by nonsense. What's funny is I side track myself.. but I have faith in myself .. as long as I have that.. I can't go wrong..


  1. I told you I was gonna comment in both places ;-)

    You should already know how I feel about this... I'd say always plan ahead, it's kinda dumb not to. But be prepared to adapt it because like you said, things in your life, situations, etc, WILL CHANGE.

    I think you're on the right track with this one. There are a lot of people out there who need to do what you're doing and get serious about HOW they are going to achieve their goals and not just focus on WHAT they're goals are.

  2. It's definitely prudent to have a written plan. Not only is it good to have something you can look at, but it's easier to remember things that you write down. It gives you a visual stimulus to help to remember what you've thought about.

    But in planning, don't just plan, work your plan. It's like promising to change diet but never actually eating properly. Good luck.
